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Vaccinating Children and Young Adults is a Gross Abuse of Human Rights, and a Chilling Failure of Medical Ethics

re: Sebastian Rushworth MD: Is COVID a danger to children?

It is a medical fact that the risks from COVID are miniscule in young adults and even less in children, who just shrug it off.

Yet the medical establishment, supported by the fearmongering media, is aggressively pushing to vaccinate children as young as 12, and soon even younger, based on guesses, assumptions and no proof that the vaccinations are both safe and free of longer terms effects, let alone for the immature and rapidly-developing bodies of children—which do not behave the same as adults in myriad ways.

A stomach-churning breach of medical ethics is happening in plain sight. Heartbreaking in some cases, destroying the lives of innocent children and their families in this game of Vaccine Russian Roulette. COVID hysteria run amok under the steady drumbeat of government committee-speak and media fearmongering.

Some of these younger folks are seeing myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of tissues around the heart) and blood clotting disorders. The odds that these are the only issues are slim. The odds that those affected will heal as if nothing had happened and live free of issues is slim, or at least unknown. The fact is that 10X or 100X or 1000X more people could have been damaged in subclinical ways which will take years to emerge. No one, not the best doctor in the world, can say.

How could we expect the medical establishment, ignorant and impotent and incompetent against Long Haul COVID, to have any credibility on the damage the vaccine might cause?

I’m not “anti fax” here—I just think it is outrageous to be pushing vaccines on a group that has virtually nothing to gain, and everything to lose. What might be appropriate for an older or midle-aged adult is quite different.

But the point is you have to weigh risk against benefits (risk assessment). Why should any young person risk heart damage when the risk of issues from COVID is virtually nil? And anyone claiming that such risk assessment is being done is either a liar, or a fool—because we aren’t even collecting the data upon which it could be based—it’s assumptions+guessing and making human guinea pigs out of millions of children.

A cavalier attitude prevails:

  • No routine screening post-vaccination for heart damage. The reported cases may well be only the worst cases—the tip of the iceberg.
  • No routine screening post-vaccination for other damages. The FDA and CDC are not doing anything to go look for issues—many more issues besides heart damage might be out there. Indeed, the FDA has disavowed tracking of side effects, and the VAERS system sees only a tiny fraction of the issues reported. You cannot “trust the data” when the data are not there. And the data produced by the modern medical establishment and Big Pharma if far from objective.
  • No plan whatsoever to track long-term negative effects from the vaccines.
  • Shockingly absent and grotesquely pedantic risk assessment of the benefits versus harms for younger children. It cannot be valid because no knowledge of all the possible side effects exists. To potentiall damage millions of children is just loathsome.
  • De facto force used to vaccinate children: penalties at every level of schooling for those who wish not to be vaccinated for COVID.

I’m not anti-COVID-vaccine. But anyone who thinks an experimental vaccine should be tested using children has a serious ethical lapse. Which they’ll surely rationalize away.

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