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Everest Challenge Pre-Race Update 5 (2011)

2011-09-14 • SEND FEEDBACK
Related: Everest Challenge, hard core, Rides

These are details sent by race organizers, with attention drawn via highlighting to key points and certain items not relevant to the race omitted.

See the key locations page for maps. See also the Everest Challenge web site.

Everest Challenge Update #5

September 14, 2011

See also the FAQ. The Eleventh Everest Challenge Bicycle Stage Race and Fun Ride is almost upon us. You may know that it is the California/Nevada State Climbing Championships. Also there is a record book on the website that shows the best times ever at the EC by category.

Hey, if you missed any of the earlier Updates, they are online at


Yes, we could use your help. The help of your friends, SO, or other non-riding folks who might be able to help us out a bit. Particularly on Saturday. MUCH more about this next time, but we would really appreciate some replies here. We have some of the best volunteers anywhere, just not quite enough. Will you help?


NEW jersey design for 2011! To be revealed for the first time at Registration on Friday 9/23. If you have ordered a jersey online, you may have the polka dot 2010 design you saw at OR you may have the all new, totally different, 2011 jersey! I may need one of each!!


A small number of 2009 jerseys have been found in the catacombs here at EC headquarters. These have got to go! Brand new jerseys, similar to the 2010 design, but different sponsors and a few minor changes were made. Get one NOW for $40. First come, first served. Reply to this email to reserve yours, or better yet go to and get one there. When these are gone, they are gone!


Yes, we have been busy! Again, an all new sock design. IF you have ordered online, your choice. These will be black, all wool, with the usual red polka dot motif. No goats this time!? We still have plenty of the 2010 socks if you must have the little goats. See them at Registration on 9/23.


Stage 1 starts at the Millpond Recreation Area. About 5 miles North of Bishop on US395. If you are headed North, left on Ed Powers Rd, then the first right on Sawmill Rd. takes you to Millpond, which is a large regional park with bathrooms and lots of parking. There is also a small campground adjacent to the park. We will set up right at the entrance to the park, where the start line is located. You will pass this spot once during the day if you want to pick up or drop off some food or clothes.

WindInMyFace: see this page for google maps.

Stage 2 starts at the intersection of CA168 and Death Valley Rd., 2.4 miles East of US395. This is 15 miles South of Bishop on US395, then turn left at the Big Pine (no doubt), toward the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. PARK ON DEATH VALLEY ROAD ONLY. You will pass this spot twice during the day, after each of the first two climbs.


Disclaimer: I am a physicist, not a physician. I do not give medical advice. The following is intended to paraphrase the advice given by Dr. Bill Misner of Hammer Nutrition. MY advice is to become your own expert, and find out what works for you.

The EC is longer, and harder, than most events. You know that. So you have to stay fueled up. We provide all sorts of goodies at the Aid Stations, but you have to use them to arrive at the finish and not be a total mess. It makes little sense to do the last ten miles on fumes and then barely be able to get up the next morning. Fueling for a long hard event is difficult at best, as your nutritional needs are a moving target. Not only is each person different, but you are different from one day to the next.

Still, there are some standard guidelines that seem to work well for most folks. Our friends at Hammer Nutrition recommend 220-280 calories/hour. Yes, "kilocalories‰. Anyway, they point out that too much is as bad as too little. With a room full of racers, I don't worry about too much. But remember that on Saturday you are eating for Sunday and maybe that will help encourage you to eat right through to the end. You will ride better Sunday for it. Then you want to get some good recovery calories into you immediately. Research increasingly shows that a few hundred calories ˆ almost anything ˆ right away makes a big difference in your recovery for the next day.

What is at the Aid Stations?

Water, in bottles, ready to hand off. Hamme HEED, also ready to go. Thank the great folks at Hammer for the product, and Specialized for the bottles (I got a hilarious phone call from the Bishop Chamber of Commerce yesterday, wondering when I might come by to pick up the TWENTY large boxes of bottles that had just been dropped off. One of the ladies there has used the boxes to build her own private room!). Gel packets, Endurolytes (also in mostly waterproof capsule holders at Registration), Power Bars (thanks to the terrific folks at PowerBar too!), salty snacks, bananas, and Perpetuem. YES, we will have Hammer Perpetuem at each Aid Station, but it will not be mixed in advance more than a few bottles at a time. You will have to ask for it. But it will be right there ready to go. Ice cubes. We will have lots of ice. Saturday afternoon you may be happy to have an ice cube or three.

Once you get to the Finish Line summit, you will be in for a rare treat. Hot food! Something good and just cooked up for you will be awaiting your arrival. They always have hot soup, and a couple of things masterminded by Jerry Z. the head chef. I never know what he is going to make, but it is always terrific, and it comes at the perfect time!


Again, the difference between a shorter event and the EC is the issue here. Start hydrating well in advance to reduce the effects of the rather dry climate, instead of overdoing it on race day to try and make up a deficit. Hammer Endurolytes are capsules filled with a mixture of half a dozen salts to keep all that water from diluting the natural saltiness in your blood. You can't just keep drinking plain water when you are losing electrolytes. There are no miracles, but Endurolytes are designed to replenish what you sweat out. One to three per hour it says on the bottle.


We cannot run the EC without the help of a number of municipal agencies. The Inyo Roads Dept. is particularly helpful, loaning us roadway signs and giving us advice about routing and things. So is Inyo Parks and Recreation, who administer the Millpond Recreation Area. Do you know that just days before the EC the huge Millpond Music Festival takes over the park? Not a trace remains, right? They whip the place back into shape and we get to use a nice clean park. Thanks Inyo County!

More EC info next time, about Aid Stations on Stage 1, bottles, trash, cutoff times, and the Mono County Roads Department.

Steven P. Barnes
AntiGravity Cycling
Everest Challenge Race Director
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