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Taibbi: On Missouri v. Biden and "The New Abnormal": Interview With Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

re: ethics in medicine
re: follow the money

re: Matt Taibbi
re: Dr Aaron Kheriaty

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it.

Modern heroes are doing their part. Will they succeed?

On Missouri v. Biden and "The New Abnormal": Interview With Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

2023-09-14, emphasis added.

One of the plaintiffs in the landmark censorship case offers thoughts on last week's ruling, plus a general warning

...Between the Other Pandemic article and the signing of the Great Barrington Declaration opposing lockdowns with future co-plaintiffs Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford and Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Kheriaty found himself subject to increasingly absurd pressures. In September 2021, for instance, Kheriaty gave an interview to podcaster Alison Morrow that was not only removed by YouTube, and caused Morrow’s account to be frozen, but eventually got Morrow fired from a day job she held with the state of Washington, as bosses demanded she stop all interviews with anyone who “undermined” vaccine mandates. YouTube framed the interview as “misinformation” because it was seen to “contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization.” 

...Covid led Kheriaty down the path of becoming the most ambitious theorist of the censorship-industrial age, pondering the pandemic’s mysteries. Why were things academics once would have discussed, like pandemic policy, presented as diktatsbeyond the scope of debate? Why was the general population so accepting of such non-negotiable decrees? Why did the medical community shrug as concepts like informed consent — so central to modern medical ethics that it’s the first entry in the 1947 Nuremberg Code — were replaced overnight with new doctrines de-emphasizing individual care and stressing collective “safety” issues? Why was language infected with odd catastrophizing tendencies (e.g. from bending to flattening to “smashing the curve”), and why were issues once thought of as social matters best resolved through discussion and democratic reform, like racism, suddenly being re-framed as public health or national security matters? 


Dr. Kheriaty: ...And I think what’s being colonized now by our approach to novel biotechnologies and information technologies is the human body itself. And when it comes to censorship, the human mind itself... Cognitive infrastructure is the thoughts inside Matt Taibbi’s head, which need to be protected from bad ideas, like the stuff that Aaron wrote about in The New Abnormal.

This is a colonization of the human mind, by government entities that want to control what you think. It’s human nature itself succumbing to the interventions of biotechnology and information technologies.

WIND: I hardly recognize my country. Was it real, or was it an illusion all these years?

The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
The Other Pandemic: The Lockdown Mental Health Crisis

Our once-free country (for some, sometimes) teeters on the edge of no return, but there are heroes who fight for our rights, and respect the Constitution and liberty. COVID was not the first or last crisis, what will emerge in my children’s lifetimes?

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