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COVID: The Suffering of the Innocent

re: ethics in medicine
re: Brownstone Institute
re: gaslighting and psyops

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it.

It will take years for truth to emerge, but the process has begun.

Brownstone Institute: The Suffering of the Innocent


The legacy, history, and truths of Covid Hysteria are being decided not by the victims, but by powerful institutions, the same institutions that created and spread the hysteria, defended the draconian policies, and persecuted millions of innocent people. This legacy is being written by an inward-looking, myopic, insulated wealthy group of individuals largely separate from the lives of ordinary people, whom they generally despise. Truth is true, regardless of the party in control of the political seats of power.

Real social change can only come through the freedom to testify, discuss, and acknowledge the personal suffering of millions during 3 years of Covid Hysteria. Regardless of your views on Covid-19, vaccines, or lockdowns, the suffering was real, the experience was real, and the pain was real. This is the truth of Covid-19, the only truth that truly matters.

During Covid Hysteria, the conventional wisdom was that an unhealthy bat caused an infectious disease to spread across the world. Good and honest people, along with trustworthy governments, worked hard to produce a vaccine that returned the world to stability and freedom. There were temporary but necessary suspensions of human rights, but this was for our good, and the only ones who resisted were conspiracy theorists who only care about themselves. Covid itself was the only cause of suffering, both in the death toll, and long Covid. 

This fascist interpretation of history is only possible in a vacuum, in silence, where the cries of its victims cannot be heard. For three years, I heard the cries for freedom around the world. Many did. The ruling class, the church, the media, did nothing. They said nothing. They were the cause of it, and many benefited financially. The fascists told us that there were no cries, no sighs, no tears, only tears of joy and applause for the wonder of government. 


We are told by the fascists that only a tiny minority of people were adversely affected by Covid-19 vaccines, and the majority benefited. We know this to be false, and yet after 3 years, the conventional wisdom remains. We need to hear the stories of the thousands, and hundreds of thousands of people who have been adversely affected by the vaccines, the mandates, the policies, and the brutality. Their stories are just as important, if not more important than whether Covid was due to a bat, a frog, a tanuki, or a flying pig. 


WIND: the thing I most object to (aside from brute government force) is the anti-science of the “follow the science” trope, the verbal diarrhea of science deniers—the “experts” who denied to others the ability to debate/study/question/etc, to the great harm to us all in every conceivable way.

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