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Happy New Year: May it Bring Some Sanity to Wokeness

Free speech has no meaning other than the freedom to express unpopular, repugnant, offensive, vile, vicious, etc ideas. That is all that matters when talking about free speech, in spite of villains in Congress sworn to uphold the Constitution claiming otherwise.

Socially acceptable speech has no need of protection because no one objects to it. It is thus childish and idiotic to talk about free speech being so good only so long as it does not offend. The whole fucking point is the ability to offend without being censored by the government (direclty or indirectly), to have the right to dig as deep a hole for yourself in the minds of others as you wish.

As per constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley:

The First Amendment does not distinguish between types of speech: “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.” Indeed, the language was explained most succinctly by Justice Hugo Black in Smith v. California: “I read ‘no law . . . abridging’ to mean no law abridging.” While the court has distinguished “fighting words,” criminal threats and other narrow categories, it does not bestow the government the open right to strip protection of speech that it deems “hateful.”

...As someone who was raised in a liberal Democratic family in Chicago, I do not know when the party went from being the defender of free speech to its most determined nemesis. However, with demands for censorship and the all-out war on Twitter, the Democratic party seems to have crossed the Rubicon on the First Amendment. That leaves many liberals (particularly classical liberals) and independents in a growing bind.

...Sen. Cardin is a lawyer but appears to hold an extraconstitutional view of free speech. His view of the First Amendment is not simply flawed but dangerous at a time when we are engaged in an existential fight for free speech.

See also: The CDC Puts Itself in Charge of Language Too

Stanford University Despises Free Speech

re: Stanford woketard Guide to Anti-Intellectual Brain Damage
re: WSJ: The Stanford Guide to Acceptable Words
re: Woketard CDC Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities

Trigger warning ladies and gentlemen and AI’s and all ye people and NPC’s...

Below, dorm, life at Stanford, 38 years ago. Times have changed. My how straightforward things were back then. Did you know that when you are out of vodka, any clear liquor will suffice at 11 PM—in a vodka bottle.

I am now a graybeard I suppose, well call it 50/50 brown/gray, but not yet dotard or senile and still a (somewhat less) proud American. Though not of our government, which is a clusterfuck of clusterfucks. And uppity too. A survivor.

Today, the seminal work of anti-intellectual racist piece-of-shit thugs at Stanford mean I will never consider to donate or (far worse) contaminate my brand with the disgusting display of Stanford tribal knowledge neo-nihilism stupidity ghetto—Stanford has been run by anti-intellectual woketards for 40 years now. Even Stanford medicine is infested with them.

So far it has been a cakewalk for these anti-human and anti-life haters-of-the-good-for-being-the-good woketards, but signs of pushback are there. The climax of this 50-year-in-the-making tar baby is coming soon, we can hope.

The tribe of people pushing this crap demand you submit to it by debasing yourself as a slave to their mental illness, for which almost anything is offensive, mind readers that are sure you are a Terrible Person. A bunch of intellectual hicks. No can do, though this simple piece won’t hold down the fort against this tidal wave. A manmade disaster that should be aborted. Not going to bury the hatchet or have a pow wow about whether to annihilate language and meaning. So let me give this lame language-destruction snowflake 1984 coprolite an additional workout you guys...

BTW, dumb fucks of Stanford, the biggest source of institutionalized racism is you and your ilk, starting with Kindergarten. That is, the grotesque denial of a good education to disadvantaged people by the most profoundly evil organization of our time, teacher’s unions.

There are terms that are needlessly derogatory: shemail, tranny, half-breed, and a few others. Why not stick to terms of that nature, fishing by pole and line rather than a massive dragnet of simple-minded spelling-based nonsense? EG the destruction of language for so many terms that carry no offense except in the warped minds of woketards.

See also Stanford and the Tar Baby.

Plenty of non-alcoholic party drinks at the dorm

We did have walk-in office hours for professors there. BTW, stand-up meetings are way better than sit-down ones since no one wants to stand for long. The low man on the totem pole (or woman) did all the grunt work though. Too many indians, not enough chiefs.

I was an addict addicted to exercise, or was and really still am in spirit, being a basket case if I go without it for a few days and who needs a blind study to know that it’s good for you. Even a person confined to a wheelchair would be crazy to not make an effort and no doubt there were psychologically crippled people no longer living who committed suicide who might have staved it off by so doing—mentally ill people are just all of us from time to time so that’s no criticism.. I think it’s dumb not to take exercise seriously, kind of like refusing to brush one’s teeth, which is insane. BTW, why are there huge blocks of handicapped spaces everywhere, invariably empty. But, call me a little OCD when I have the strength for my daily ride and I am so glad that my two bike crashes did not leave me a paraplegic or quadriplegic. Cycling guru is not my calling, but what a great sport.

Being neurodivergent myself, I felt like a retard in social situations for several decades, particularly at parties with dancing, where I felt like a spaz. What a retarded viewpoint. But, as a sanity check, I was a math major so I guess I get some excuse.

Every been to a walk-in campground? There are a couple of good ones east of Yosemite. Even the wheelchair bound can roll into the one near Saddlebag Lake, even people as far away as the Philippine Islands can camp there.

No need to brave the bears, as your chief concern most of the summer is mosquitoes. Bears just eat your food if you leave it out, so don’t do that. Man-up and don’t worry about it. My spirit animal, were I to have one... maybe a puma.

As for your preferred pronouns, I’ll try if asked politely, but if I get it wrong, fuck you because it’s confusing and obnoxious and under no conditions can you destroy the meaning of language ("they" for one person is unacceptable). Have the balls to live your life without imposing on others, male, female, hermaphrodite or other.

For all mankind... WTF?

BTW, are my children people of color, my wife being Hispanic? None of them Karens, and all straight, I count myself a successful father and likely grandfather.

I used to work 14 X 7, balls to the wall, and I would say I am pretty ballsy with some things. Like this post I guess. Call your congressman/congresswoman or congressional chairman/chairperson and let 'em know what you think.

Fireman Fred was a happy fellow, oooh Fireman Fred. He was a gentleman.

Your landlord/landlady never wants to replace the carpets.

Two letters make you a Bad Person: transgender vs transgendered or transsexual.

Logging in? What is your user name? Have you been a victim of a crime lately given woketard governance which renders the streets unsafe?

Black hat, black mark, black sheep, blackballed, blackbox, blacklisted (is Netflix going to change the name of the series), etc... this master list of woketard blacklisted terms is beyond stupid, confusing skin color for unrelated things.

I think I have mastered photography, and dang I cannot even name my main volume Master since that makes some woketard upset. Whole classes of terms which have nothing to do with any offense all thrown out with the baby. Nothing grandfathered in?

We cannot even talk about slaves and slave labor in China. I guess China is ahead of us there with training camps, having sold down the river all the Uighers.

Tarball is a computing acronym ("tape archive") but even that is not OK. My software’s whitelist and blacklist only offend jackasses (apologies to horses and asses and donkeys). Do we really have to demean ourselves to the lowest possible level of associating superficial characteristics with broad judgments?

Convicts are prisoners, are they not? And someone without a home is surely homeless, perhaps by choice, particularly immigrants, bless their bravery. Most hard-working, few will end up as prostitutes except perhaps the not small number brought over by evil people for that purpose.

Some people are killing it, some are not. More than one way to skin a cat in life, but a skill stack is a good rule of thumb, often killing two birds with one stone. If you are not willing to take a shot at failing, you will. An abusive relationship probably explains most divorces.

About 1 man-hour to write this crap. Not much manpower. No normal person would waste their time on it I suppose.

The idea that African-American is better than Black is absurd: characterizing someone by the crudest possible characteristic, and lumping them in with all others sharing that... both terms SUCK.

White papers are now verboten since they are white, with (oops) black ink.

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