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Multiple sclerosis Primarily Caused by Epstein Barr Virus?

re: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
re: Epstein Barr Virus
re: multiple sclerosis

With EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) the apparent causal factor of my health demise in June of 2020 (closely following April 2020 COVID infection/recovery), and my EBV antibodies still flagging high (positive) for two years now, I find myself wondering whether things could get a lot worse.

Multiple sclerosis has a common viral culprit, opening doors to new approaches

2022-08-11, By Erin Garcia de Jesús

... recent studies paint a clearer picture that Epstein-Barr virus instigates MS when the central nervous system gets caught in the cross hairs of an immune response to the virus’s attack...

...The virus, discovered in 1964, infects an estimated 90 percent of people around the world. People infected as young children might have a mild cold or show no symptoms. Teenagers or young adults may experience a bout of debilitating fatigue called infectious mononucleosis, or mono, that can last weeks or months.

These symptoms eventually fade. But Epstein-Barr infections hang on. The virus belongs to the herpesvirus family — a group known for instigating lifelong infections. The herpesviruses behind cold sores, genital herpes and chicken pox also stick around for life, usually staying quiet for long stretches. For example, varicella-zoster virus, which causes chicken pox, goes latent inside nerve cells but can resurface to cause the painful disease shingles (SN: 3/2/19, p. 22).

... Epstein-Barr virus can cause problems long after the initial infection. People who had mono are more likely to develop cancers such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma than people who didn’t. And they are more likely to be diagnosed with MS.


...The researchers found such a group in the U.S. military. Through the Department of Defense Serum Repository, the team had access to repeated blood samples from more than 10 million individuals, taken when active-duty members... Over that 20-year span, 801 people whose blood was tested were diagnosed with MS. Thirty-five of those people had no signs of Epstein-Barr virus infection in their first blood sample. But all but one became infected before their MS diagnosis. People infected with the virus were 32 times as likely to develop MS as uninfected people. What’s more, the researchers found that blood concentrations of a nervous system protein that is a signal of nerve damage rose after Epstein-Barr virus infection, before an MS diagnosis. The results prompted Ascherio and his team to make a bold claim in Science in January: “These findings cannot be explained by any known risk factor for MS and suggest EBV as the leading cause of MS.”

It is still possible that infection with Epstein-Barr virus is a time stamp for something else, perhaps not yet identified, that’s also relevant for MS, says Mark Allegretta, vice president of research at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. “The way we talk about it now is that it’s very strong evidence that it’s necessary for development of MS, but it’s insufficient on its own.”


WIND: Ugggh. I never had mononucleosis. I suspect I got EBV as an adult.

I’m focusing even more on diet, cutting back carbohydrates and eliminating all grains (though I had already mostly done so). With few exceptions, I eat only whole unprocessed foods (one ingredient). I never eating packaged/processed foods and I rarely eat restaurant food (2 or 3 times a year at most).

Sutter Health, 2022-08-01 @ 08:00:
TPO Ab:           1084 iU/ml range < 60
T3, free:         2.71 pg/mL range 2.30-4.2 (1)
T4, free:         0.71 ng/dL range 0.59-1.61 (1)
TSH:              1.36 uIU/mL range 0.34-4.82 (1)
rT3:              14 ng/dL range 8-25 (1)
Thyroglobuling:   PENDING (1)
VitD, 25-Hydroxy: 43 ng/mL range 20-80
Ferritin:         69 ng/mL  range 20-388
Cortisol:         13.0 ug/dL  range 5-25
EBV EA Ab,igG Qual:  POS *
EBV EA-D Ab,IgG: 20.70 u/mL range 10.99 POS
EBV Capsid Ab,IGM: < 36.0 = NEG
EBNA Ab,IgG: 426.00 u/mL HIGH range > 21,99 POSITIVE
EBV Capsid Ab,IGG 28.6 u/mL HIGH range > 21.99 POSITIVE
Herpes Vir 6 Ab IgM: < 1: 20 NEGATIVE
ANA Screen: NEGATIVE for dsDNA, Smith, RNP, SmRNP, Centromere, SSA, SSB, Scl70, Jo-1, Chromatin, or Ribosomal P
SSA ANTIBODY: < 0.2 U range < 1.0U Sedimentation rate: < 1mm/hr range 0-20 Testosterone: 440 ng/dL range 87-780
Prolactin: 6.2 ng/ml range 2.1-17.7
CREATINE KINASE, CK: 73 range 39-308
...etcetera, all normal well within range
(1) Liothyronine 10mcg prior 2 days, 5 mcg day-of prior (2) Positive 4 or 5 times over 2 years. Indicates "present or past" infection.
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