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Disturbing Research About Glyphosate aka “Roundup” in Numerous Common Food Products

re: health, nutrition

One more toxin in your food supply.

The Epoch Times: Saying No to Glyphosate in Our Foods, Environment

2022-05-02, BY MELISSA DIANE SMITH. Emphasis added.

As disturbing research about the weed killer comes to light, more people are trying to avoid it

Of all the pesticides in our food supply today, the most concerning to consumers is likely glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Roundup herbicide.

Residues of the well-known weed killer have been discovered in a wide range of staple food products sold in top grocery stores, meaning we are all at risk of inadvertent exposure from the foods we eat. Glyphosate has been at the center of a flood of lawsuits filed by individuals who used glyphosate products long-term in their jobs or on their lawns or gardens, and then developed cancer. However, research links glyphosate not to just cancer, but to other health problems, including reproductive issues, birth defects, and gut health concerns.

...But the weed killer is not just sprayed on GMO crops. It also is used as a pre-harvest drying agent on non-GMO crops such as wheat, barley, and oats.

It’s also important to understand that glyphosate isn’t just on the outside of plants—it is absorbed into plants—and glyphosate contamination can’t be removed by washing or eliminated by cooking or baking. [WIND: what does high heat from cooking do to such chemicals?!]

The two government agencies that are in charge of regulating the safety of our food, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA), don’t test foods for glyphosate. But non-government, FDA-registered laboratory food testing found extremely high levels of glyphosate in some of America’s most iconic food products, such as Cheerios, Oreos, Doritos, and Ritz crackers.

Additional testing discovered the weed killer in a wide range of staple food products including whole wheat bread, chickpeas, and Quaker Oats. The worst offending products were found in top grocery stores, such as Hy-Vee, Whole Foods Market, and Walmart. Alarmingly, 18 of the 26 non-GMO labeled products tested contained glyphosate.

...Products that have a Glyphosate Residue Free label contain no glyphosate, meaning they’re at the bottom limit of detection for the chemical in laboratories, 10 parts per billion. The products are tested by an accredited laboratory at least three times per year, providing extra assurance against glyphosate exposure in foods that consumers buy. This certification is one of the fastest-growing in the United States...

DIGLLOYD: does it matter than much of the health harm is “unproven”? And who would fund proving it, anyway? And it’s notoriously difficult to separate out cause with just one item. But we eventually (after decades) all agreed that smoking causes lung cancer. Duh.

The chances of glyphosate being tested for or removed from foods, let alone banned from food... about nil. Thanks to the FDA and its political operatives. So we have to rely on market forces to make big food companies test for and eliminate the stuff. Consumer pressure works really well when it can be visible, and organized.

With things like this, follow the money. Our worse-than-worthless FDA is little more than a laundering front for Big Food and Big Pharma. Cancel the FDA and strengthen liabilty laws, and we’d all be freer and better off.

I’ve switch several years ago to whole unprocessed foods only. I eat virtually no prepared or packaged food—very rare and small exceptions. I hate spending on organic, but I hope that raises the odds of not getting poisons like glyphosate into my system.

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