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Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) mRNA Vaccine Trial Underway

re: Long-Haul COVID
re: Epstein-Barr Virus
re: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
re: Study identifies how Epstein-Barr virus triggers multiple sclerosis

Viruses can cause dramatic changes—asthma and allergies that never before existed (me, at 20 years), some cancers, disruption of microbiome and virome, neurological and other damage, etc—chronic viral sequelae. It can take months to get over viral infections (pneumonia, me at ages 20, 36). And maybe years and maybe never, if seemingly irreversible changes/damage occur. COVID is not unique or even special in this regard!

This vaccine news about Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) concerns me closely as a personal interest. I have evidence that what slammed me hard ~6 weeks after the seeming end of COVID was in fact EBV (and HHV-6 too).

That is, the day after an enjoyable ride to the summit of White Mountain Peak (a modest effort compared to a double century), I was hardly able to move or walk the next day. I believe that it was EBV that opportunistically took hold me that fateful day. Not knowing that, a downard spiral ensued. Subsequent antibody tests confirmed a recent active EBV infection, as well as HHV-6.

For me, ramped up auto-antibodies including show evidence of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, proven by thyroid peroxidase tests. And for all I know, that’s not reversible. And Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is also correlated with EBV!

It is my hypothesis that my 18-month Long-Haul COVID ordeal stems from COVID for turning-loose EBV and HHV-6 and who knows what else. Which is why I term the whole mess chronic viral sequelae. I am struggling to get back to 2019 condition, having seem some progress, but it’s the hardest effort I’ve had to made in my life, and always a relapse is a concern—a 4 day fatigue slump has hit me again which I hope ends soon.

The Epoch Times: Epstein-Barr Vaccine Trial Underway"

2022-02-02, by Kristen Fischer. Emphasis added.

Recent research reveals how this virus may contribute to multiple sclerosis

Most of us will be infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) during our lives. Researchers recently claimed that the virus causes multiple sclerosis (MS), and Moderna has already started an mRNA vaccine trial. At the same time, another recent study explores therapeutic avenues for treating the virus.

A team led by scientists at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health recently published research in Science that says EBV, a member of the herpes virus family, is likely the cause for multiple sclerosis (MS).

Because EBV can’t be prevented, the researchers say a vaccine could be the answer. On Jan. 5, Moderna announced it was trialing a vaccine for EBV. It uses mRNA technology, which was first used in the COVID-19 vaccines. The research is known as the Eclipse trial. The Harvard study was released Jan. 13.

The Epstein-Barr–MS Link

You can catch EBV most commonly from saliva. It can lead to infectious mononucleosis, or mono, which has also been dubbed the “kissing disease.”

About 2.8 million people globally have MS, and there’s no cure. About 90 percent of people in the world test positive for EBV, though most people don’t have any effects.

Harvard-led authors say the notion that EBV causes MS has been looked at for several years. This was the first study that showed evidence of not just a link, but a cause... they say the onset of MS symptoms doesn’t start until about 10 years after a person gets EBV.

To explore the connection, they looked at more than 10 million active U.S. military personnel. Of them, 955 were diagnosed with MS while serving.

They found that a person’s risk for MS went up 32 times after getting EBV, but the risk didn’t change after a person got other viruses. They say the findings can’t be explained by other known risk factors for MS, leading them to believe EBV is the cause.

EBV Therapeutics Explored

Research out of The Wistar Institute published on Jan. 17 suggests there could be a new pathway to create therapeutics targeting EBV.

This past summer, two studies indicated that EBV reactivation could be tied to long COVID symptoms and severe COVID-19 disease.

WIND: I have the same concerns about an EBV mRNA vaccine as I do for a COVID-19 vaccine, namely short-term and long-term safety and side effects. So if/when the vaccine is approved, I would not jump at getting it at the outself—just as with the COVID vaccines, I’d want to wait and see what negatives emerge.

I will weigh taking such a vaccine just as I did the COVID vaccines: risks vs benefts.

Whereas I saw zero benefit for the COVID vaccine for myself (natural immunity), EBV is an entirely different matter. My recent history and extended loss of life enjoyment and ongoing challenges might be semi-permanent damage which no vaccine would cure. OTOH, I am prety sure that EBV is what might be at least partially responsible for sudden and severe fatigue onset attacks (4 days into one as I write this, repeated attacks past 18 months).

When you lose the ability to do the stuff you enjoy, your risk/benefit analysis is likely to change. Mine does.

Selfie with Moots MootoX YBB on summit of White Mountain Peak
f1.8 @ 1/2700 sec, ISO 20; 2020-06-19 16:34:00
iPhone 7 Plus + iPhone 7 Plus 4.0mm f/1.8 @ 4mm
ENV: White Mountain Peak, altitude 14252 ft / 4344 m, 50°F / 10°C

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