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Could Administration of High-Dose Vitamin C Save Your Life vs COVID?

re: ethics in medicine
re: Vitamin C

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it.

None of what follows is medical advice. Nor is it a claim that Vitamin C is a substitute for medical treatment.

I’ve had two people give me highly positive feedback on the Vitamin C I recommended/gave to them for bad cases of COVID . One told me he thought it saved his life, which I discount, but who can say? The other saw rapid improvement within 12 hours. Coincidence? Very possible, so I don’t claim causality. As any doctor would say: “anecdotal non-evidence”**, snickering under his/her breath, perhaps in contempt for the untrained nitwit making the claim. But speaking for myself, I wish I had known more prior to my April 2020 infection, and before Epstein Barr Virus hammered me following that.

And I am not a doctor, so what do I know? You can read claims all over the internet that are worthless, so maybe this one is too!

And of course your doctor can inform you, based on near-nil training in nutrition and a discomfort with the topic, that there is no evidence that Vitamin C does a damn thing against COVID, or viruses. Which if you go looking is a sad commentary on the integrity of science and medicine. Your doctor is also likely of the mindset that an organism under stress or assault by pathogens is best treated by pharmacological agents, with nutrition having little or no relevance, the wisdom of the ages* having long ago been discarded and forgotten by broken modern medicine. Hence hospital food with its nutritional desert and dessert and excitotoxin burden. An organism can do just fine against pathogens and diseases when short of adequate nutrients... so the geniuses tell us. No, it is not my intent to insult doctors, don’t shoot the observer of reality. Nor do I criticize not knowing, but I have little patience with not wanting to know as much as possible.

But whatever floats your boat, even “I trust my doctor”, is just fine with me. You should not even be reading this blog post if that confident! But to be 100% sure about anything even somewhat controversial is as anti-scientific as it gets.

Give the Gift of Life to Yourself and Others: Vitamin D + Vitamin K2 + Magnesium + Vitamin C + Zinc

* Let food by thy medicine, and medicine by thy food —  apocryphal quote. And let pharmacological agents be your medicine, when they are really called for and truly efficacious — Lloyd Chambers.

** There is no interest in the medical field for proper study of Vitamin C, and you can bet that Big Pharma not only would not fund studies, but would exert all possible influence along with the CDC/FDA/NIH to discourage studies—follow the money. Anecdotal cases by MDs are routinely ignored. See also Vitamin C: a cure .for lethal viral infections including Poliomyelitis, and could it cure COVID-19?

Best and highest bioavailable Vitamin C?

Vitamin C: Best Most Bioavailable Form?

Anyway, end of diatribe. This is the stuff you should have on hand for when you need it. Because when you need it, you need it immediately, not in 24 or 48 hours or a week from now. I think it works, as do the two people referenced above.

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C by LivOn Laboratories @AMAZON

When you’re infected, don’t mess around. Sorry it’s so expensive, but that’s why the rest of the time I like use like something like NutriBiotic - Ascorbic Acid with Bioflavonoids @AMAZON. The problem with other forms is that they can cause stomach distress and diarrhea in the attempt to get more than a few thousand milligrams into the system. Best of all would be intravenous Vitamin C, but you cannot do that at home, and only the exceptional physician would consider it.

Don’t conflate Lypo-Spheric with “liposomal Vitamin C”, which can be little more than a crude mix of Vitamin C and lipids (fats)—not encapsulated spheres. Liposomal will be cheaper, but it is not the same thing! Which is not to say it is bad or ineffective, just that its bioavailability may be less and it might behave inconsistently across individuals. And it’s not clear that any price premium for liposomal vs regular Vitamin C is worth it. But I do think this Lypo-Spheric variant looks like the real deal.

Suggested protocol

This is not medical advice. It’s what I would use myself and recommend to friends/family. Follow at your own discretion/risk.

The protocol I suggest to anyone with infection is simple: take 2 or 3 packets to start, then one packet every half hour for 8 hours, then 1 packet every hour thereafter. If it’s going to help, you will know within 24 hours.

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