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Can CBD (Cannabidiol) Help with COVID or its Aftermath, by Modulating the Immune System?

re: ethics in medicine

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it.

Can CBD (Cannabidiol) Help with COVID or its Aftermath, modulating the immune system?

Since it is not a drug that Big Pharma can patent and thus exploit for huge profits, no one is going to fund a large expensive clinical trial. And you probably cannot trust studies by the CBD vendors. So all you can do is try it and see for yourself.

The idea/claim is that CBD modulates the immune system and especially inflammation. A lot of scientific studies show that very clearly. And inflammation is the hallmark of COVID, including lungs and blood vessels. With the whole world impacted by COVID, it seems criminal to not aggressively research substances like CBD, but what do you expect with the CDC and FDA being lackeys for Big Pharma?

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I relate two personal experiences which are anecdotal as bear grease. I am not making any scientific claims here, just relating my own experience. Your might vary.

CBD and asthma

When I was having serious small airway impairment back in 2018, my prescription inhaler used for two weeks at double the dose (4 puffs a day) did absolutely nothing to resolve the breathing problems other than perhaps keep it from getting out of hand.

CBD (Cannabidiol)—Eliminated My Small Airway Impairment (Asthma)

My internist (MD) laughed at me when I told him it had resolved things in 24 hours or so (dismissing it out of hand without consideration), lumping it together with bear grease claims by another patient (literally, bear grease). It was a bit insulting and ignorantly dismissive, but I let it go. Intellectual curiosity and compelling anecdotes need not apply, even in the face of overnight improvement. I wonder how much patients suffer needlessly because of doctors dismissing things that really do help (some), because there is no Big Pharma study they can make themselves comfortable with? So they slowly degrade their patients with drugs that fix nothing and take their toll over time.

CBD and Long-Haul COVID

It might be a coincidence, but I saw a slow and steady improvement after taking CBD for 15 days in mid-August, including the elimination of various arthritic pains. Here in early December, my condition is steady and while I am not my March 2020 self, I can function as well as I have in two years.

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