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COVID Omicron Variant: First to be Infected are the Vaccinated?

re: ethics in medicine

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it.

The first person in the US happens to be in the 81%-vaccinated San Francisco Bay Area to be infected was... fully vaccinated.

After the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Wednesday, Dec. 1, that the nation's first case of the omicron variant of COVID-19 has been reported in San Francisco, city officials said the city won't be updating any health orders for now.

The patient, who had returned to San Francisco from South Africa on Nov. 22, only showed mild symptoms and is currently recovering. The person is fully vaccinated but had not received a booster shot, according to officials with the San Francisco Department of Public Health.

... "The overall message to the public is get vaccinated," Mayor London Breed said...

The irony seems to be lost on public health officials that vaccinated people are getting infected like crazy all over the world (see below). An Alice in Wonderland situation now, one scarcely worth noting, as if it is not happening. The “news”, the government and all authorities are skilled at not giving the public credible and solid information on just what is going on. But that has been true from day zero. Total lack of trust then or now.

I 'get it' that being vaccinated might improve your odds of avoiding severe health consequences, but just how long and how much is very much an open question. Studies purporting to show the benefits of vaccination use statistical sleights of hand to make things look better (arbitrary timeline cutoffs, ignoring natural immunity among the vaxxed, and numerous confounders). Still, I’ll concede that vaccination is almost certainly a net plus for those at risk.

But my skepticism is increasing that vaccination is the right course for the young and healthy, who at the least might be better off with a single jab. And vaccinating children remains child abuse driven by intellectual dishonesty, given their nil risk (vaccinate and risk the health of a million children to save the life of one high-risk child?). Children’s rapidly growing bodies have all sorts of unknown behaviors relative to new anything—they are NOT adults and that is why most medical things approved for adults have contraindications for children until well-studied.

The anti-science attitudes that suppress all dissent along with the coercion aspect makes it all stink to high heaven.

I do not get the anti-scientific antagonism towards those with natural immunity. Until and unless public health officials get their heads out of their asses on natural immunity, I must necessarily default to approaching all messaging as non-credible propaganda.

Vaccination is increasingly a failure for stopping transmission, which makes vaccination a stunning failure in terms of ending the pandemic, and an endless gravy train for Big Pharma.

The intellectual and ethical sketchiness of it all should be mortifying to all medical professionals. How about we look at infection rates for the “unvaccinated” with natural immunity (half this country’s population by now?), vs the vaccinated without natural immunity?

Everything we’re being spoon-fed might prove out to be bullshit a year or two from now. Or it might not. But the suppression of viewpoints and the coercion have to stop, as they do no-one any good.

Majority of England's Omicron cases ARE double-vaccinated: Health chiefs reveal 55% of those with Covid super-strain had both jabs amid fears it can dodge shots - as UK daily cases creep up


The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said 12 of the 22 known cases up to November 30 — 55 per cent — were in people who had at least two doses. 


WIND: I’d say this is awfully misleading headline give the tiny numbers as yet. Plus it’s just flat-out stupid in its false premise—the vaccinated are already readily infected by any strain.

We need to wait two weeks for several thousand cases before it can be said if these initial figures will hold up. The numbers are as yet too small to rely upon. Nor does anyone know how the Omicron variant will really play out for seriousness vs prior variants.

Don’t rule out good luck with the Omicron variant: if it is a mild strain that is highly infectious, then it will serve as the best possible vaccination, and could end this pandemic by basically turning into the common cold (another coronavirus). But its mildness or strength is as yet unknown.

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