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Vaccination of Children on the Altar of COVID Fanaticism is Legalized Child Abuse — California to Mandate Vaccinating Kindergarten Children Too! 

re: ethics in medicine

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it.

A society that sacrifices its children for the benefit of its adults has turned to evil.

With no demonstrable benefit to children of vaccination for COVID (extremely rare cases excepted), the perverted child abusers in charge propose to mandate vaccines down to the age of five.

California will require the COVID-19 vaccine for students in kindergarten through sixth grades after it gets final federal approval for children 5 to 11.

Governor Newsom here in California has not mandated vaccines for teachers, thanks to the teacher’s unions*. That tells you all you need to know. UPDATE: the reporting in the news is so poor that I might have gotten this wrong—the most recent bill might finally require teachers to be vaccinated, though it’s unclear what exemptions will be allowed.

The proper endpoint (medical meaning) of vaccination was never antibody levels, though I am sure there are doctors stupid enough to think so. The only proper endpoint is harm prevented, and how that is weighed against side effects (short and long term) via risk assessment. But that is an easy one for children: nil benefit, but with all the short-term risks, plus as-yet unknown long-term risks on their rapidly developing and very different bodies. Oh, and never mind that children have been shown to be poor transmitters of COVID, so they are not even a risk factor in any statistically meaningful way*.

I’d bet that at least 100 times more children are sexually abused by teachers than harmed seriously by COVID. Follow that link if you think it is an exaggeration because even if the claimed figures are cut back by 10X, the figures are devastating to anyone who actually cares about children.

For children, COVID is not measles or polio; COVID is little more than the common cold and doesn’t remotely approach deadly things for children, like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). Any idiot (including doctors!) who compares any of these to COVID should have the sense to not speak in public about anything and to find another career.

As it relates to COVID, the medical profession as a group is beneath contempt at this point. I don’t blame most doctors for not speaking out (and thus being canceled), but at least there should be passive resistance to medical malpractice we are seeing. I do blame doctors who willingly go along and rationalize their actions.

“Follow the money” is a principle that will never let you down. Massive profits to accrue to corporations like Pfizer and Moderna. The major news networks get most of their profits from Big Pharma, politicians love compaign donations, and shareholders profit—everyone wins, except children.

* The teacher’s unions are also the single biggest source of systemic racism nationwide, by guaranteeing bad education for everyone, which particularly damages the poor and people of color.

** Children don’t have voices on this issue, and now we have President LetsGoBrandon branding parents as terrorists who object to vaccination and/or institutionalized racism in governement schoolprisons.

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