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COVID 19, Sebastian Rushworth MD: Lockdowns have killed millions — “Lockdowns are inherently racist and elitist, with unclear benefits but proven harms”

Real science is never settled, and anyone who has certainty on such things is not qualified to discuss it
— Lloyd Chambers

re: ethics in medicine
re: Sebastian Rushworth MD

Government policies about COVID are a mass casualty event. It’s only a question of how hard the media and governments work to suppress the truth.

See also: Request for Expedited Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in COVID-19 Public Health Policies

Sebastian Rushworth MD: Lockdowns have killed millions

March 1, 2021

Over the course of this pandemic I have often wished that Hans Rosling was still alive. For those who are unaware, he was a medical doctor and a professor at Karolinska Institutet who had a particular interest in global health and development. In 2012, Time magazine declared him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

During the last few months of his life, in 2017, he wrote an excellent book called “Factfulness” @AMAZON, that summed up most of his thinking, and described how many of the things people “know” about the world are completely wrong. Hans Rosling is something of a hero of mine, and if he was still alive, I’m sure he would have contributed to bringing som sanity to the current situation. With his global influence, I think people would have listened.

Two of Hans Rosling’s former colleagues at Karolinska Instituet, professor Anna-Mia Ekström and professor Stefan Swartling Peterson, have gone through the data from UNICEF and UNAIDS, and come to the conclusion that least as many people have died as a result of the restrictions to fight COVID as have died of COVID directly.

And while almost all the people who have died of COVID have died in rich countries and been old, the vast majority of people who have died of lockdown have died in poor countries and been young. This means that the number of years of life lost to lockdown is many times greater than the number of years of life lost to COVID-19 (as I’ve written about on this blog previously).

The specific causes of death are malnutrition, caused by shutting down the global economy, lack of vaccination, caused by shutting down childhood vaccination programs, and treatable diseases like tuberculosis and HIV, that have been prioritized down as a result of efforts to fight COVID-19.

These unintended consequences of the efforts to fight COVID have caused the rate of childhood deaths to increase in 2020 for the first time in decades. The two professors also note that rates of childhood marriage and of teen pregnancy and abortion have increased significantly as a result of taking children out of school. They have been interviewed about their findings on SVT, the Swedish public broadcaster. If you speak Swedish, you can watch a documentary that discusses their conclusions here.

I have to say, I’m very impressed with SVT for producing this documentary, and daring to put a lot of the numbers in perspective. The documentary clearly shows that COVID-19 is nowhere near as deadly as the 1918 Spanish flu, and is in fact very much in line with the flu pandemics of 1957 and 1968. And they note that more people died of smoking last year than of COVID. But we haven’t made smoking illegal. And they also note that anti-democratic governments in many countries have taken advantage of the pandemic to move forward their positions, get rid of opposition, and limit human rights.

Lockdowns are inherently racist and elitist, with unclear benefits but proven harms. We all need to stand up and tell our governments that we don’t support what they are doing, and we will not vote for any politician or party promoting continued lockdowns and restrictions as a solution to COVID-19, unless they can clearly show that that benefit to society as a whole is greater than the harm. 

WIND: when government gets involved in society, the results are invariably disastrous. Are there any objectively true exceptions to the “we’re from the government, and we’re here to help” kiss of death?

If anything, these studies of deaths from COVID policies undercount. And do not even attempt to account for the misery inflicted by government tyranny upon the vast majority of the world population.

Life years lost is what really matters for public policy

And worst of all: moral courage is required to call it like it really is: the value of the life of a 7 or 15 or 23 year-old greatly exceeds than that of an 75 or 83 or 95 year-old. The only MORAL/ETHICAl comparison to be made here is life-years-lost, on the basis that all lives have equal value (ignoring the fact that the most productive and functional years should probably be overweighted). Life-years-lost is the ONLY objective and therefore ETHICAL metric to treat everyone fairly and to appropriately and ethically compare. Judged ethically in this manner, there is going to be something like a 3X or greater life-years lost due to government policies. That is, horrific human carnage due to government policies, that the press won’t talk about. A contemptible and vicious war on life by governments under the banner of false morality.

Garbage data in, garbage policies out

Then there just plain old GIGO: the world is taking “COVID deaths” as some hard medical fact, when in truth no objective scientist could accept these numbers as anything but highly suspect.

Certainly there have been many deaths from COVID. But the claimed COVID deaths are far higher than the reality. What is that reality?

There is no objective medical science behind COVID deaths. If a crash-dead motorcyclist with COVID is a “COVID death” according to the CDC, then anything goes, and it’s a case of GIGO. Financial incentives to diagnose anything COVID-like as such, presumed cause of death with no medically justifiable proof, taking 2/3/4 conditions all deadly in a frail person and claiming COVID is the one thing responsible so as to form public policy... that’s idiotic, nay it’s pure evil—because the mass death of millions from government policies is the result.

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