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COVID 19 aka CCP Virus: Belgian Medical Doctors on Masks

See also masks and particulate respirators.

Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media

September 5, 2020


Spreading occurs by drip infection (only for patients who cough or sneeze) and aerosols in closed, unventilated rooms. Contamination is therefore not possible in the open air. Contact tracing and epidemiological studies show that healthy people (or positively tested asymptomatic carriers) are virtually unable to transmit the virus. Healthy people therefore do not put each other at risk. 24 25 Transfer via objects (e.g. money, shopping or shopping trolleys) has not been scientifically proven.26 27 28

All this seriously calls into question the whole policy of social distancing and compulsory mouth masks for healthy people – there is no scientific basis for this.


Oral masks belong in contexts where contacts with proven at-risk groups or people with upper respiratory complaints take place, and in a medical context/hospital-retirement home setting. They reduce the risk of droplet infection by sneezing or coughing. Oral masks in healthy individuals are ineffective against the spread of viral infections29 30 31

Wearing a mask is not without side effects32 33 Oxygen deficiency (headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration) occurs fairly quickly, an effect similar to altitude sickness. Every day we now see patients complaining of headaches, sinus problems, respiratory problems and hyperventilation due to wearing masks. In addition, the accumulated CO2 leads to a toxic acidification of the organism which affects our immunity. Some experts even warn of an increased transmission of the virus in case of inappropriate use of the mask.34

Our Labour Code (Codex 6) refers to a CO2 content (ventilation in workplaces) of 900 ppm, maximum 1200 ppm in special circumstances. After wearing a mask for one minute, this toxic limit is considerably exceeded to values that are three to four times higher than these maximum values. Anyone who wears a mask is therefore in an extreme poorly ventilated room35

Inappropriate use of masks without a comprehensive medical cardio-pulmonary test file is therefore not recommended by recognised safety specialists for workers
Hospitals have a sterile environment in their operating rooms where staff wear masks and there is precise regulation of humidity / temperature with appropriately monitored oxygen flow to compensate for this, thus meeting strict safety standards. 36

WIND: first we’re told (WHO, CDC, Surgeon General) that masks don’t work. Now we’re mandated to use them. And now, these doctors say they have negative health consequences—but I think the comments above are for sealed masks, not those with valving or the absurdly leaky facial coverings and skimpy surgical masks that most people wear.

It’s a shame that the highly unethical restriction of valved masks is the rule—everyone should protect themselves first, since valved N95 masks are less leaky than what 95% of what I see people wearing as “approved” facial coverings—and thus protecting yourself entirely while protecting others just as well is far, far superior. Shame on the medical community for toxic advice. If everyone had had a valved N95 particulate respirator, CV19 would have been stopped in its tracks months ago.

  • In my own mask use, including up to 50 miles during a double century averaging ~200 watts power output and riding up to 9000' elevation, a valved particulate respirator does impede breathing, but only modestly with proper breathing technique.
  • At least one of my elderly readers can faint and have serious problems wearing an unvalved N100 mask—it really is dangerous.
  • I am dubious that simple surgical masks impede anyone, although the leakiness irritates my eyes and it does feel hot and stale to breathe in one. A valved mask is much better.
  • Improper breathing (short and shallow) is surely at work—learn how to breathe properly. That said, I don’t know how a large population can be taught to breath properly (or to eat properly or exercise properly or anything at all!).

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