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COVID 19 aka CCP Virus: Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media

See also CCP Virus.

The social control policies around the COVID-19 hysteria are an outstanding success story, if the goal is to prepare the population of this country to accept a totalitarian state.

Everything else has been a disaster whose consequences will linger for a generation or more.

The central planning policies of this country’s governors in response to COVID-19 have carpet-bombed this country economically and socially. And yet, they continue to this day.

So it is with special appreciation that I came across this letter from Belgian doctors. Kudos to them for speaking out and risking a great deal.

Why are American doctors and their organization so ethically lacking? (Other than Dr Scott Atlas and epidemiologist John Ionnadis and a few others). Here in the USA, we need the Belgians to show us the way?

Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media

September 5, 2020

[It’s a long letter, please read the entire thing as only a few excerpts are shown here. Emphasis added.]

...We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.
We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties

‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona...

We believe that the policy has introduced mandatory measures that are not sufficiently scientifically based, unilaterally directed, and that there is not enough space in the media for an open debate in which different views and opinions are heard. In addition, each municipality and province now has the authorisation to add its own measures, whether well-founded or not.

Moreover, the strict repressive policy on corona strongly contrasts with the government’s minimal policy when it comes to disease prevention, strengthening our own immune system through a healthy lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investment in care personnel.2

The concept of health

In 1948, the WHO defined health as follows: ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or other physical impairment’.3

Health, therefore, is a broad concept that goes beyond the physical and also relates to the emotional and social well-being of the individual. Belgium also has a duty, from the point of view of subscribing to fundamental human rights, to include these human rights in its decision-making when it comes to measures taken in the context of public health. The current global measures taken to combat SARS-CoV-2 violate to a large extent this view of health and human rights...

The facts about covid-19

Gradually, the alarm bell was sounded from many sources: the objective facts showed a completely different reality5 6

The course of covid-19 followed the course of a normal wave of infection similar to a flu season. As every year, we see a mix of flu viruses following the curve: first the rhinoviruses, then the influenza A and B viruses, followed by the coronaviruses. There is nothing different from what we normally see.

The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces many false positives, showed an exponential picture.  This test was rushed through with an emergency procedure and was never seriously self-tested. The creator expressly warned that this test was intended for research and not for diagnostics.7

...Since a positive PCR test does not automatically indicate active infection or infectivity, this does not justify the social measures taken...


If we compare the waves of infection in countries with strict lockdown policies to countries that did not impose lockdowns (Sweden, Iceland …), we see similar curves.  So there is no link between the imposed lockdown and the course of the infection. Lockdown has not led to a lower mortality rate.

...A strong immune system relies on normal daily exposure to these microbial influences. Overly hygienic measures have a detrimental effect on our immunity. 12 13 Only people with a weak or faulty immune system should be protected by extensive hygiene or social distancing...Influenza will re-emerge in the autumn (in combination with covid-19) and a possible decrease in natural resilience may lead to further casualties.

...It appears that most people already have a congenital or general immunity to e.g. influenza and other viruses. This is confirmed by the findings on the cruise ship Diamond Princess, which was quarantined because of a few passengers who died of Covid-19. Most of the passengers were elderly and were in an ideal situation of transmission on the ship. However, 75% did not appear to be infected. So even in this high-risk group, the majority are resistant to the virus.

...Most people therefore already have a congenital or cross-immunity because they were already in contact with variants of the same virus.

Most people who test positive (PCR) have no complaints. Their immune system is strong enough. Strengthening natural immunity is a much more logical approach. Prevention is an important, insufficiently highlighted pillar: healthy, full-fledged nutrition, exercise in fresh air, without a mask, stress reduction and nourishing emotional and social contacts.

Consequences of social isolation on physical and mental health

Social isolation and economic damage led to an increase in depression, anxiety, suicides, intra-family violence and child abuse.16 Studies have shown that the more social and emotional commitments people have, the more resistant they are to viruses. It is much more likely that isolation and quarantine have fatal consequences17

The isolation measures have also led to physical inactivity in many older people due to their being forced to stay indoors. However, sufficient exercise has a positive effect on cognitive functioning, reducing depressive complaints and anxiety and improving physical health, energy levels, well-being and, in general, quality of life.18

Fear, persistent stress and loneliness induced by social distancing have a proven negative influence on psychological and general health19

...All this seriously calls into question the whole policy of social distancing and compulsory mouth masks for healthy people – there is no scientific basis for this.


WIND: What an outstanding letter for its rational approach to this whole mess. Red-pill yourself and read the whole thing, at least to understand that the media and political presentations are so grotesquely oversimplified as to be pure evil.

Mindless obediance, feckless courts, tyranical governors

For anyone with open eyes and active mind* (vanishingly rare), the COVID-19 hysteria is finally revealing itself as one of the largest and most unethical medical scams in history, along with the greatest intrusion on individual rights in the history of the United States (and elsewhere).

The population of this semi-free country now accepts losing jobs and savings and dreams and homes (40 million people cannot pay their rent). Via coercive government force (the implicit point of a GUN), no debate, no scientific basis, no rationality. Something so unconstitutionally grotesque that the entire Supreme Court deserves the label of useless feckless jackasses. Useless turds all of them, for sitting by idly and letting it all happen to this day.

* 99% of the population has their opinion assigned to them by the social programming networks (formerly known as “the news”). To disagree with that is either to be exceptional, or a fool.

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